On Your Kid’s First Dental Visit
No kid is ever born fearing the dentist. Dreading the dental chair is more of an acquired habit, and one shaped by experiences. So a first visit is crucial in getting your children to receive dental care, without the anxiety.
Beyond A Beautiful Smile: Improving Your Oral Health With Braces
While it is true that braces can improve the positioning and appearance of the teeth, they go beyond providing cosmetic benefits.
What You Can Do To Make Dental Visits Enjoyable For Your Kids
It’s common for kids to dislike the idea of visiting the dentist regularly, even if it will help them keep their teeth in pristine condition.
IV Conscious Sedation
IV sedation allows the personal titration of a combination of anxiety and pain medication to create a calm and relaxing dental appointment.
Nitrous Oxide And Oxygen
Commonly referred to as “laughing gas”, Nitrous Oxide is a very safe way to relieve anxiety for dental treatment. It does not require you to have a driver to and from your appointment as it will have no lasting effect beyond a few minutes following completion of your therapy.
How To Prevent Cavities
At Southpoint Quality Dental, we want all our patients to enjoy the many benefits that come with having healthy smiles. While most people know that a